Mechanical Specifications

For current advertising rates,
call DesertLeaf at 520-881-5188.
For Bleeds and Ad Dimensions: See PDF
DIGITAL FILES (Press Ready Art):
Preferred format: PDF files distilled through Adobe Acrobat Distiller (Mac or PC)
Other Accepted formats: PDF, EPS, TIFF, JPG
Acrobat PDF Note: Send only high resolution (Press Quality Print) or PDF/X compliant files. A “Soft proof” will print as a low resolution image.
Photoshop Note: LZW compression should be turned off on all Photoshop documents.
Convert color images and spot color to CMYK mode.
Images: 300 PPI, saved as TIFF or EPS
Bitmap images: 1200 PPI
DesertLeaf CANNOT accept files created with Microsoft Publisher (.PUB, .DOC, .DOCX), PowerPoint.
Required Materials
NOTE: If sending a PDF, only the final PDF file is required.
DesertLeaf will inspect clients’ digital ads. It is the responsibility of the client to make sure that all submitted files are correct. If any work is necessary to ensure proper output and placement of client’s ad, additional production charges may apply. If delays occur owing to missing or noncompatible PDF files, late charges may apply.
DesertLeaf will not send proofs of digital files/press ready art provided by clients.
Please call DesertLeaf if you have any questions.
Ads may be submitted via e-mail to your account executive.
(520) 881-5188